It is therapy that delivers 100% of fluids directly into a vein. It is the fastest way to deliver vitamins and fluid replacement directly into circulation, where they go directly to the cells of the body, bypassing the digestive system.

It’s really simple. Select the supplements. Choose your appointment location (office, home, hotel, church) and our team arrives at the scheduled time. You relax in the privacy of your home/office/hotel.
It varies depending on the treatment you choose, ranges form 35-45 minutes.
The solution is made of a balanced salt solution like Normal Saline, or Lactated Ringers ( extra electrolytes). We choose based on your symptoms.

We do not accept private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Many health plans and health savings accounts may reimburse you for services.

Almost anyone can. We only offer our services to persons 18 years of age and older. Persons with certain medical conditions may not be appropriate for our treatments. We review medical history prior to treatment. IV’s are safe for pregnant and breast-feeding patients. If you are pregnant, we prefer to be in contact with your obstetrician regarding your care. If you have cancer and is on Chemotherapy we prefer to be in contact with your Oncologist regarding your care.

Your IV treatments should be based on your body’s needs and demands. While it is safe to get daily vitamin infusions, we generally limit our clients to 1 drip every 2 weeks.
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