Micronutrient Testing

Micronutrient Testing

Health begins at the cellular level

The body is comprised of more than 73 Trillion cells, and cellular deficiencies profoundly affects health and wellbeing. A person’s entire state of health begins with a single cell. Age and disease are typically presented as different processes whey they are in fact synonymous with each other. Both started as a slow insidious malnutrition of the cell.

Failure to address cellular deficiencies leads to chronic illness. At the cellular level nutritional status varies profoundly from person to person and even in the same person throughout their lifetime. What better way to determine micronutrient deficiencies than using a client’s own cells.

Micronutrient Test will tell you exactly the micronutrients in which a person is deficient. The test evaluates 31 different vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants within a persons cells. The micronutrient test will tell how well cells can withstand oxidative stress, how well cells are metabolizing carbohydrates and how adeptly cells function when launching the immune response.

Once cellular deficiencies are corrected symptoms improve. Correcting intracellular deficiencies slow aging and degenerative disease progression, it can also prevent as well as repair cellular dysfunction.

Micronutrient tells you about the functional health of your cells

No other nutritional test compares, schedule yours today!

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