Our Vitamins and Minerals


Immune health:

Vitamin C : (Ascorbic Acid) 1 to 25 Grams: Enhances immune function. Helps prevent and kill the common cold virus. Combat: flu, pneumonia. Great antioxidant. Needed in wound healing and collagen formation. Suppresses cancer cells. Has anti-viral properties. Strengthens capillaries, prevents bleeding in the eyes, improves eye health, easy bruising, and bleeding under the skin. Helps alleviate pain in the bones and joints, decreases inflammation. Helps prevent and reverse fine lines and wrinkles. Aids with chronic illnesses of various kinds. Helps alleviate side effects from chemotherapy medications.

Glutathione: Master antioxidant of the body, immune enhancer, antioxidant, reduces free radicals and oxidative stress which damages cells of the body. Preserves memory, increases endurance and stamina, helpful in cataracts, diabetes, copd, asthma and a host of other illness. Good for general wellbeing.

Zinc: Enhances immunity, faster wound healing, macular degeneration, decreases night blindness, maintains proper sense of taste and smell. Maintains healthy skin.

Myers Cocktail: Immune supporter. Energy booster. Helpful in autoimmune diseases, asthma, seasonal allergies, brain health, eye health, muscle health, mood and vitality.

Energy and health:

B1 – Proper functioning of the nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

B2 – Production of energy. Tissue growth, maintenance and repair. Red blood production.

B3 – Proper functioning of the nervous system. Energy metabolism. Maintains healthy skin. Production of fatty acids. Synthesis of hemoglobin and hormones. Metabolism of proteins, fat and carbohydrates.

B6 – Production of antibodies. Normal function of the nervous system. Red blood production. Metabolism of protein, glucose and fat.

Folic Acid – Normal growth. Protein metabolism. Formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Prevents neural tube defects.

B12 – Proper function of the nervous system. Production of Red blood cells. Normal growth. Brain protective, supports memory. Normal functioning of all the body cells, energy boost. B12 is associated with weight loss because of its ability to boost metabolism and provide lasting energy. It works by converting the food we eat into sugar and other types of fuel that keep the body running smoothly.

Calcium – Contractions and relaxation of muscles. Assist with the absorption of B12. Regulates cell permeability. Helps to maintain the neutrality of the body fluids, protects against osteoporosis.

Magnesium – Regulates muscle relaxation and contraction. Proper functioning of the nerves. Energy metabolism.


Lactated Ringers – Used for hydration and for balancing fluids and electrolytes. Contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride and calcium chloride.

Normal Saline – Contains a source of water and salt.
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