Intravenous (IV) Infusion Therapy

Business Hours Monday and Tuesday (1 pm - 6pm) online appointment only.

ReishMax GLP, is an oral Immune system supporter. The Relish Mushroom hasbeen used for thousands of years for it's Immune system benefits. We provide ReishMax GLP as an alternative Immune enhancer to be taken between your regularly scheduled infusion visits. Please follow the link to read and discover all of the know health benefits and to purchase ReishMax today!

Weight loss coaching

Loose weight intelligently and get healthy with your very own personal coach with our Nurse Practitioner or Medical Doctor. Have your unique Resting Metabolic Rate performed by one of our weight specialist to know how many calories that you would burn at rest over a 24 hour period. Knowing this calorie expenditure will take the guess work out of your weight loss journey and set you up for success!

Click on the link to get started. Sign up today!
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